Partial & Complete Dentures

Full Denture
Unlike dental implants, dentures only replace the crown portion of the missing tooth, and the success of this treatment heavily relies on the height of the ridge, and the health of the remaining supporting structures in the oral cavity. In order to prevent their dislodgement, partial dentures are fitted with hooks and clasps, whereas complete dentures can be made to remain in position with the help of denture adhesives. They restore a patient’s ability to speak, chew and smile following loss of teeth.
Dentures are fabricated using a material called acrylic resin, which gives them aesthetic value. Shade guides, impressions and jaw records are generally used to create the ideal set of dentures based on the patient’s needs and requirements. With more and more research in the field of dental implantology, implant-retained dentures have now been introduced which completely eliminate problems related to displacement, aesthetics and maintenance. A set of four or six strategically position implants are used to anchor complete dentures into place. This not only restores complete speech and function, but also eliminated the common issues related with denture wearing.
Step in to Baucum Family Dentistry and allow us to help you select the best treatment for missing tooth replacement suitable for your needs today!
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